R'n'B Web Design

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Getting Started with R'n'B

Already have a site but want it maintained by R'n'B.

Advertise online with R'n'B flash banners.

Want content for WAP or PDA? R'n'B go mobile

Multimedia productions, CD/DVD ROM packages from R'n'B

What does all this mean? R'n'B has the beginners guide to put your mind at rest.

Scales of Justice

Statement of Responsibilities

R'n'B undertake to provide clients with excellent web sites within a reasonable time frame.

Individual contracts are tailor made for every client as needs are so widely ranging. in general we will accept no responsibility or liability for actual contents or the visual presentation of any site as these only get on-line with client approval. We will make every reasonable effort to ensure all sites continually function properly. Clients will have recourse if their site does not function as set out in contract.

Adhering to data-protection principles, all databases and files containing personal information will be encrypted, in accordance with BS ISO/IEC 17799. The partnership will exclusively retain all passwords and usernames for administration purposes. The disclosure of these codes at any time will carry a release charge. At this point R'n'B will be obliged to purge their systems of any trace of these access details. No ambiguity will ever exist as to who is uploading files to your site.

R'n'B provide full written & digitally signed e-mail service agreements for all work on new web-sites.

Assurance of Privacy

All work carried out will be private and confidential. Links and images of client sites are used with expressed permission or by request only.

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