R'n'B Web Design

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Multimedia productions, CD/DVD ROM packages from R'n'B

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Affiliates of R'n'B

Below are brief introductions to the experts who have pledged their skills to R'n'B. Their individual specialties enhance the overall service provided by R'n'B and ensure our standards are second to none.

Joseph Brady - Programmer

Joe is a top of the class final year student of IT at UUJ. He spends long hours perfecting those lines of code in VB, C#, perl and cobol. He is an experienced developer of robust databases on a multitude of platforms. If you need a site that is heavily back-end intensive or need the highest 256-bit encryption then Joe is your man.

Claire Brady - Photographer

5 years ago Claire took up photography as a hobby but has since become quite accomplished at achieving superb images ranging from posed studio shots to still lifes. Her work is used extensively by R'n'B and when unavailable for photo shoots she always acts as image consultant for the partnership.

Paul Murray - Sound Engineer

Working in studio and outside broadcast environments for channel 9, Paul has a breadth of experience in the production of broadcast sound. Paul helps R'n'B with larger projects and event recordings too big for one engineer to handle. Paul regularly does live sound in the Nerve Centre. He is renowned for having an exceptional ear and picking up the energy of a band's live performance.

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