R'n'B Web Design

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Multimedia productions, CD/DVD ROM packages from R'n'B

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Audio Services

R'n'B offer a wide range of professional audio services for the business and domestic sectors. Recording voice-overs for local radio ads can be done on the business premises or in the comfort of your home. Original music scores, sound effects and library sounds can all be added while you sit with our qualified sound engineer ensuring the public hears what you want them to hear. Digitisation of record collections, old cassettes, reel-to-reel and old 78's can be affordably achieved to professional standards through R'n'B's extensive range of interface devices and sound editing tools.

Audio letters

10 years ago while on a tour of the world, I received an audio letter from my friends in Ireland. An old C-90 cassette that is treasured beyond belief and which got played to the point of snapping. I'll always keep the original but I wanted to listen to it regularly so I used the services of R'n'B Web Design to digitise, enhance and burn the sounds to cd. They even suggested using the natural breaks in the recording of the letter to form individual tracks so now I can access my favourite parts effortlessly and listen to them as often as I like without the risk of an old tape breaking.

Telephone, radio and television

Automated telephony systems require well structured menu systems with clearly recorded audio commands and options. R'n'B offer the service of consulting on your businesses menu structure and of recording all commands digitally so that customers hear their options clearly.

Allowing your business to create fresh audio ads reflecting current offers or services boosts public opinion. R'n'B offers a fully flexible service of writing, recording and editing ads for broadcast, from one-off 10 second monologues to multi-stage releases with musical scores.

The audio for your TV ad is critical to the public perception of your company. It costs a lot of money to get broadcast. so let R'n'B ensure that voiceover, that musical score and that effect are as good as they can be. We offer the production of animated ads for television broadcast too so R'n'B can make sure your business looks good as well as sounds good.

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