R'n'B Web Design

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Getting Started with R'n'B

Already have a site but want it maintained by R'n'B.

Advertise online with R'n'B flash banners.

Want content for WAP or PDA? R'n'B go mobile

Multimedia productions, CD/DVD ROM packages from R'n'B

What does all this mean? R'n'B has the beginners guide to put your mind at rest.

ready for handover


Did you attempt to create and manage your own site? Has it become too time consuming and difficult to renew content or include interactive features? Whatever the reasons, if you already have a domain name and/or web space but want R'n'B to manage it for you, we have a straight forward adoption procedure to aquire your sites particulars and maintenance requirements.

Just contact R'n'B and we'll take over responsibilty of your site right away.

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